Bah Humbug Father's day

So I figured it would have kicked in by now. I'm thrice a father and Hallmark says it's my day. I'm still waiting for the territorial madness to set in. I know well, at first hand, how most women are about Mother's day. I shall not have the temerity to suggest that this obsession is completely arbitrary, so I have to imagine it's a biological process based on the intersection of natural selection with the sidereal cycle. Maybe I'm a mutant--an emerging species who doesn't look at the calendar in expectation of appreciation of my fatherly contribution, nor wields the calendar to force extortion of such appreciation.

Of course Father's day is good for one thing. I used it as excuse to buy myself a nice home theater DVD/speaker set. I'm a happy grinch listening to Gnarls Barkley right now.

Does that make me craaaaaaaaazy
Does that make me craaaaaaaaazy
Does that make me craaaaaaaaazy

[Uche Ogbuji]

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