Thinking XML #33: Serving up WordNet as XML

"Thinking XML: Serving up WordNet as XML"

Subtitle: Build the basic WordNet/XML facilities into a Web server framework
Synopsis: A few articles back, Uche Ogbuji discussed WordNet 2.0, a Princeton University project that aims to build a database of English words and lexical relationships between them. He showed how to extract XML serializations from the word database. In this article he continues the exploration, demonstrating code to serve up these WordNet/XML documents over Web protocols and showing you how to access these from XSLT.

This is the second part of a mini-series within the column. The previous article is "Querying WordNet as XML,", in which I present Python code for processing WordNet 2.0 into XML. This time I use CherryPy to expose the XML on the Web, either in human-readable or in raw form. This seems to be part of a nice trend of CherryPy on developerWorks. I hope people see this as yet another example of how easy and clean CherryPy is.

See other articles in the column. Comments here on Copia or on the column's official discussion forum. Next up in Thinking XML, RDF equivalents for the WordNet/XML.

[Uche Ogbuji]

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