XForms Submission to Copia (Mozilla / FormsPlayer)

Uche recently setup Copia to accept HTTP PUT submission of content as atom entry instances. I wrote 3 XForms documents which collect the data from a form and submit it to the service (each for a seperate XForms implementation):

This post was submitted using the Mozilla XForms implementation

Forms Player is the most compliant of the 3 (it supports full XForms 1.0 and some aspects of XForms 1.1) but functions as an Internet Explorer plugin.

Mozilla XForms is an up and coming effort to build native XForms support into Mozilla. The supported feature set has now reached a point where a majority of the useful capabilities are supported.

FormsFaces is a javascript library that attempts to implement XForms functionality completely independent of the browser. Unfortunately I wasn't able get the submission action to fire properly in order to submit new content from a FormsFaces XForm.

The FormsPlayer implementation is available here and the Mozilla implementation is available here. The primary difference is styling (specifically the CSS neccessary to style forms individually) and the mechanism for invoking the XForms processor.

With FormsPlayer, the following bits are needed:

FormsPlayer has failed to load!

<?import namespace="xf" implementation="#FormsPlayer" ?>
FormsPlayer has failed to load!

With the Mozilla implementation, nothing is needed (since the support is native to the browser).

With FormsFaces, the following would be needed to include the javascript library that facilitates XForms support:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/formfaces.js"></script>

The current features of XForms supported by FormsFaces are listed here

Below are the two stylesheets used to style the FormsPlayer XForms and the Mozilla XForm followed by screenshots of the rendered XForms in IE, and Firefox 1.5b2.

FormsPlayer XForms CSS

* {

        .title {
            text-align: center;

        xf\:input,xf\:switch {
            display: block;
        .author_input .value {                
            width: 7em;

        .title_input .value {                
            width: 30em;

        xf\:input xf\:label {
            font-weight: bold;
            padding-right: 5px;
            width: 100px;
            float: left;

        xf\:textarea xf\:label {
            font-weight: bold;
            padding-right: 5px;
            width: 100px;
            float: left;

        xf\:secret xf\:label {
            font-weight: bold;
            padding-right: 5px;
            width: 100px;
            float: left;

        .textarea-value {
            width: 50em;
            height: 30em;            

        .leftPadded {
            padding-left: 100px;

        .category_input .value {
            width: 20em;

Mozilla XForms CSS

@namespace xf url("http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms");
        * {

        .title {
            text-align: center;

        xf|secret.author_input {
            display: table-row;                

        xf|secret.author_input secret {                
            width: 7em;            

        xf|secret.author_input > xf|label span {
            display: table-cell;
            font-weight: bold;               

        xf|input.category_input {
            display: table-row;

        xf|input.category_input > xf|label span {
            display: table-cell;
            width: 100px;                
            font-weight: bold;               

        xf|input.category_input input {
            width: 20em;

        xf|textarea.content_input {
            display: table-row;

        xf|textarea.content_input > xf|label span {
            display: table-cell;
            width: 100px;                
            font-weight: bold;
            vertical-align: top;                

        xf|textarea.content_input textarea {
            width: 50em;
            height: 30em;

        #show_content xf|trigger {
            display: block;
            padding-left: 200px;                

        xf|input.title_input {
            display: table-row;

        xf|input.title_input > xf|label span {
            display: table-cell;
            width: 100px;                
            font-weight: bold;

        xf|input.title_input input {
            width: 30em;

        .leftPadded {
            padding-left: 200px;                

FormsPlayer Screenshot

Copia Entry Submission FormsPlayer XForms

Mozilla Screenshot

Copia Entry Submission Mozilla XForms

The Mozilla implementation's support for XForms CSS styling is discussed here (briefly)

Chimezie Ogbuji

via Copia
5 responses
Hi Chime,

Nice article. What problems have you met with FormFaces exactly?

- Sylvain

Nice summary.  I goot a good boost in learning XForms Monday, thanks to you.

We're actually using POST, not PUT.  I think once we finally got something working we decided not to mess with it.


The problem with FormFaces was that it never got around to actually sending the POST (or PUT) request to the server.  That's as specific as we can get.  Looks like some sort of bug in FormFaces.  Chime went through a lot of the docs and examples and we just couldn't get it working.
I'll try to reproduce the difficulties I was having with FormsFaces..
The pseudo classes will be ready for, the soon to be released, Firefox 1.5 (with one minor tweak with regards to read-only/read-write).

If you wait a couple of days there will be support for it in the nightly builds of Firefox and the XForms extension.

Allan, the Mozilla XForms team
replace="all" is now implemented ... this may have been your problem if replace was not specified.