“Mix and match Web components with Python
Subtitle: Learn about the Python standard for building Web applications with maximum flexibility
Synopsis: Learn to create and reuse components in your Web server using Python. The Python community created the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI), a standard for creating Python Web components that work across servers and frameworks. It provides a way to develop Web applications that take advantage of the many strengths of different Web tools. This article introduces WSGI and shows how to develop components that contribute to well-designed Web applications.
Despite the ripples in the Python community over Guido's endorsement of Django (more on this in a later posting), I'm not the least bit interested in any one Python Web framework any more. WSGI has set me free. WSGI is brilliant. It's certainly flawed, largely because of legacy requirements, but the fact that it's so good despite those flaws is amazing.
I wrote this article because I think too many introductions to WSGI, and especially middleware, are either too simple or too complicated. In line with my usual article writing philosophy of what could I have read when I started out to make me understand this topic more clearly, I've tried to provide sharp illustration of the WSGI model, and a few clear and practical examples. The articles I read that were too simple glossed over nuances that I think should really be grasped from the beginning (and are not that intimidating). In the too-complicated corner is primarily PEP 333 itself, which is fairly well written, but too rigorous for an intro. In addition, I think the example of WSGI middleware in the PEP is very poor. I'm quite proud of the example I crafted for this article, and I hope it helps encourage more people to create middleware.
I do want to put in a good word for Ian Bicking and Paste. He has put in tireless effort to evangelize WSGI (it was his patient discussion that won me over to WSGI). In his Paste toolkit, he's turned WSGI's theoretical strengths into readily-available code. On the first project I undertook using a Paste-based framework (Pylons), I was amazed at my productivity, even considering that I'm used to productive programming in Python. The experience certainly left me wondering why, BDFL or no BDFL, I would choose a huge mega-framework over a loosely-coupled system of rich components.