If I've disappeared from correspondence over the past few days, here's why:

Lori did her amazingly quick labor miracle thingie and brought the new boy into the world at our home at 21:16, Monday, 25 July, 2005. (It was a planned home birth, expert midwife in attendance, and all that). We haven't named him yet, in part because we had hoped for a girl and really didn't give the other 50% contingency much thought, and partly because I, and surprisingly Lori, tend towards the Igbo tradition of waiting to meet the little one before you burden him with a life-long name (Jide wasn't named until a few days after his birth). Update: he is Udoka Julian Melayo Ogbuji.
Mother and child are doing quite well. Eldest boy Osita is very excited to have another baby brother, and middle son Jide is largely concerned with his own affairs (we do have a few pictures of him playing with his new brother). I appear to be continuing evidence of the Ogbuji Y chromosome entrenchment: My parents had three children, all boys, and now they have 5 grandchildren, all boys. But putting my three sons side by side, I find quite marvelous in fact what Lori and I had considered scary in imagination. We are most emphatically not trading this batch in, least of all the newest household terror.
More pictures on my Flickr photo stream.
[Uche Ogbuji]