Lifting XSLT into application domain with extension functions?

The conversation continues about the boundary between traditional presentation languages such as XSLT and XML toolkits in traditional application languages such as Python. See earlier installments "Sane template-like output for Amara" and "Why allow template-like output for Amara?". M. David Peterson, the mind behind XSLT blog responded to the latter post, and his response deserves a post of its own:

This is an excellent post that brings out some important points. I do wonder however if the solution can be solved utilizing a base of underlying functions that can then be implemented via 2 mechanisms:

  • The XSLT (potentially 2.0 given 1.0 support already exists) engine which will properly invoke the necessary sequence of functions to process and transform the input XML.
  • Amara, which will invoke a similar combination of functions, however in a way more in line with the Python architecture and programmers mentality.

Being a novice Python programmer, at best!, makes it difficult to suggest this solution with a whole lot of confidence... as such, I won't and simply leave it as something that, if possible, might be worth consideration as it will give leave the door open for the reverse situation, e.g. someone like myself who sees the value Amara and Python offer but given my background would prefer to work with XML via XSLT (2.0 preferably of course :D) except in cases where its obvious the platform offers a much simpler and elegant solution. In cases like this (which is sounds as if this particular situation qualifies) I am definitely more interested in the fastest way in and out of a process than I am in firing up the transformation object to perform something that is rediculously easy using the platform API.

This is an interesting good point, especially because it is something that we already tried to do in 4Suite. When we first started writing the 4Suite repository, we built XSLT scripting into its very DNA. You can do just about anything to the repository through a set of specialized XSLT extensions. You can write entire Web sites (including CRUD function) in XSLT, and indeed, there are quite a few examples of such sites, including:

These are all 100% XSLT sites, implemented using 4Suite's repository as the HTTP server, request processing engine (via XSLT script), database back end, etc. You don't even need to know any Python to write such sites (Wendell Piez proved this when he created The Sonneteer). You just need to know XSLT and the 4Suite repository API as XSLT functions. These APIs mirror the Python APIs (and to some extent the command line and HTTP based API). Mike Olson insisted that this be a core architectural goal, and we got most of the way there. It served the originally narrow needs quite well.

We all saw the limitations of this approach early, but to some extent succumbed to the it-all-looks-like-a-nail fallacy. It was so easy for me, in particular, to churn out 4Suite repo based sites that I used the approach even where it wasn't really the best one. I'm definitely through with all that, though. I've been looking to do a better job of picking the best tool for each little task. This is why I've been so interested in CherryPy lately. I'd rather use a specialized tool for HTTP protocol handling than the just-good-enough version in 4Suite that is specialized for handing off requests to XSLT scripts. Lately, I've found myself advising people against building end-to-end sites in 4Suite. This is not to strand those who currently take advantage of this approach, but to minimize the legacy load as I try to steer the project towards a framework with better separation of concerns.

When I look at how such a framework would feel, I think of my own emerging choices in putting together such sites:

  • 4Suite repository for storing and metadata processing of XML documents
  • Amara for general purpose XML processing in Python code
  • XSLT for presentation logic
  • CherryPy for protocol serving

My own thoughts for a 4Suite 2.0 are pretty much grounded in this thinking. I want to separate the core libraries (basically XML and RDF) from the repository, so that people can use these separately. I also want to de-emphasize the protocol server of the repository, except as a low-level REST API. That having been said, I'm far from the only 4Suite developer and all I can do is throw in my own vote on the matter.

But back to the point raised, the idea of parallel functions in XSLT and another language, say Python, is reasonable, as long as you don't fall into the trap of trying to wrench XSLT too far off its moorings. I think that XSLT is a presentation language, and that it should always be a presentation language. With all the big additions in XSLT 2.0, the new version is still really just a presentation language. Based on my own experience I'd warn people against trying to strain too hard against this basic fact.

And remember that if you make XSLT a full model logic language, that you have not solved the problem of portability. After all, if you depend on extensions, you're pretty much by definition undermining portability. And if XSLT becomes just another competitor to Java, ECMAscript, Python, etc., then you haven't gained any portability benefit, since some people will prefer to use different languages from XSLT in their model logic, and XSLT code is obviously not portable to these other languages. Sure you have platform portability, but you already have this with these other languages as well.

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

XSLT + CSS tutorial pubbed

"Use Cascading Stylesheets to display XML, Part 3"

CSS isn't just for HTML anymore! Learn to combine the strengths of CSS with those of XSLT and fine-tune your XML presentation in a browser.

In parts 1 and 2 of this tutorial series, Uche Ogbuji has shown how to use Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) to display XML in browsers, presenting basic and advanced techniques. Although some people see XSLT and CSS as opposing technologies, they are actually very complementary. CSS cannot, and is not designed to, handle many XML rendering tasks. You can use XSLT for many such tasks, and even manage the CSS that is still used to fine-tune the presentation. This tutorial covers techniques for using XSLT to process XML in association with CSS.

Anyone who works with XML should take this tutorial. Even if CSS and XSLT don't cover your needs for production Web publishing, they are great tools for general processing, debugging, and experimentation. They offer rich interaction with other XML technologies and you'll be likely to run into CSS and XSLT even when you least expect them.

This tutorial, third in a series, discusses XSLT techniques for working with CSS for HTML or XML output. The approach very step-by-step, and includes many examples (including expected display in Firefox).

If you're wanting to get more of a background learning how to use CSS with XML, see the previous tutorials in the series:

The response has been very positive to the first two. Here is what has been posted through the feedback form according to my editor:

"Use CSS to display XML, Part 1"
Average rating: 4.03 (out of 5.00)
Responses received: 33
"Excellent concise overview. Thanks."
"very nice presentation of the fundamentals with excellent examples"
"Good introduction. Needs a more dramatic example."
"Nicely done thanks .."
"Only had a quick read this time but I'm sure a full going over will improve my XML/CSS skills no end!"
"Hi:After several weeks of reading several books and posting to several list, you very simply provided me with an answer to my very simple question, which was "How can I present xml data using css?"Thanks."
"I already use CSS but this tutorial taught me some new tricks on generating content with CSS."

"Use CSS to display XML, Part 2"
Average rating: 4.00 (out of 5.00)
Responses received: 9
Comments: none

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Python/XML column #34 pubbed

"More Unicode Secrets"

In this month's Python and XML column, Uche Ogbuji continues his discussion of Unicode secrets with regard to XML processing in Python, especially BOMs and stream objects. [Jun. 15, 2005]

In the previous article I discussed Unicode compliance in XML tools, and discussed the Python APi for converting strings to Unicode objects, and vice versa. In this one i focus on file ans stream APIs, including a bit of Byte Order Mark (BOM) 101.

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

No religious conversion to XML

Sylvain Hellegouarch's comments always seem to require another full blog entry for further discussion (that's a good thing: he asks good questions). In response to "Why support template-like output in Amara?", he said:

Regarding the point of bringing developers who dislike XML into the X-technology world, I think it's useful but I hope you won't try too hard. Whatever tools you could bring to them and how hard you may try, if they have a bad feeling about XML & co., you won't be able to change their mind.

That's not really what I meant. I don't go for religious conversions. The issue is not that there are people out there who will never have anything to do with XML. That's fine. The issue is that some people hate XML but at the same time have no choice but to use XML. You hear a lot of comments such as "I hate that stupid XML, but my job requires me to use it". XML is everywhere (I certainly agree it's overused) and most developers cannot avoid XML even if they dislike it. The idea is to give them sound XML tools that feel right in Python, so that they don't shoot themselves in the foot with kludgery such as parsing with regex, or even the infamous:

print "<foo>", spam, "</foo>"

Aside: if anyone who has to deal with XML is not aware of all the myriad ways that the above will bite you in the arse, they should really read "Proper XML Output in Python". The idea is that tools like Amara don't all of a sudden make people like XML, but rather it makes XML safer and easier for people who hate it. Of course it also makes things easier for people who like it, like me.

I "categorise" people who don't like XML into three sections :

  • Those who never tried and simply judge-before-you-taste.
  • Those who tried XML but didn't use it for the right purpose. Some people only see XML as a language used by some dark J2SE application servers for their configuration file. They don't realise that XML is also a meta language that has brought some other fantastic tools to store, describe, transform, validate, query data.
  • Those who simply react to the hype XML had had in the last 5 years. A bit like when you here during months that a movie you haven't seen at the cinema is fantastic and that you should really watch it. You get so tired of hearing it that you don't want to watch it.

Nice classification. I think the good and the bad of XML is that it has brought so many areas of interest together. As I say in this Intel developer journal article:

XML was a development of the document management community: a way to put all their hard-won architectures on the wide, enticing Web, but when it burst on to the scene, the headlines proclaimed a new king of general-purpose data formats. Programmers pounced on XML to replace their frequent and expensive invention of one-off data formats, and the specialized parsers that handled these formats. Web architects seized XML as a suitable way to define content so that presentation changes could be made cleanly and easily. Database management experts adopted XML as a way to exchange data sets between systems as part of integration tasks. Supply-chain and business interchange professionals embraced XML as an inexpensive and flexible way to encode electronic transactions. When so many disparate disciplines find themselves around the same table, something special is bound to happen.

XML itself is not very special. It represents some refinement, some insight, and many important tradeoffs, but precious little innovation. It has, however, become one of the most important new developments in information systems in part because of the fact that so many groups have come to work with XML, but also because it has focused people's attention to important new ways of thinking about application development.

The reason XML is overhyped is because we live in the age of hype. People don't know how to say "X is useful" any more. They're rather say "it's the gods' solution to every plague released by Pandora" or they say "It's the plaything of the guardians of every circle of Hell". XML is neither, of course. It's useful because it happens to be one data format that is respectable in a wide variety of applications. But like any compromise solution, it is bound to have some weaknesses in each specific area.

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Why support template-like output in Amara?

When I posted "Sane template-like output for Amara", Sylvain Hellegouarch asked:

I feel like you are on about to re-write XSLT using Python only and I wonder why.

I mean for instance, one of the main reason I'm using XSLT in the first place is that whatever programming language I am using, I don't need to learn a new templating language over and over again. I can simply extend my knowledge of only one : XSLT, and then become better in that specific one.

It also really helps me making a difference between the presentation and the logic upon data since my the logic resides within the programming language itself, not the templating language.

Therefore, although your code looks great, I don't feel confident using it since it would go against what I just said above.

This is a question well worth further discussion.

The first thing is that I have always liked XSLT 1.0, and I still do. Nothing I'm doing in Amara is intended to replace XSLT 1.0 for me. However, there are several things to consider. Firstly, Python programmers seem to have a deep (and generally inexplicable) antipathy towards XML technology. I often hear Pythoneers saying things like "I hate XML because it's over-hyped and used all the time, even when it's not the best choice". Well, this applies to every popular software technology from SQL to Python itself. Nothing new in the case of XML. But never mind all that: Pythoneers don't like XML, and it very often drives them to abuse XML (perhaps if something you dislike is ubiquitous, using it poorly seems a small measure of revenge?) Anyway, someone who doesn't like XML is never going to even look slant-wise at XSLT. One reason for making it easy to do in Amara the sorts of things Sylvain and I may prefer to do in XSLT is to accommodate other preferences.

The second thing to consider is that even if you do like XSLT (1.0 or 2.0), there are places where it's best, and places where it's not. I think the cleanest flow for Web output pipelines can be described by the following diagram. I call this the rendering pipeline pattern (no not "pattern" as in big-hype-ooh-this-is-crazy-deep, but rather "pattern" as in I-do-this-sorta-thing-often-and-here's-what-it-looks-like).

Aside: I've been trying out 2.0 beta, and I'm not sure what's up with the wrong-spelling squiggly on the p word. I also wish I didn't have to use screen capture as a poor man's export to PNG.

Separation of model from view should be in addition to separation of content form presentation, and this flow covers both. For my purposes the source data can be a DBMS, flat files, or whatever. The output content is usually an XML format specially designed to describe the information to be presented (the view) in the idiom of the problem domain. The rendered output is usually HTML, RSS, PDF, etc.

In this case, I would use some such as the proposed output API for Amara in the first arrow. Python code would handle the model logic processing and Amara would provide for convenient generation of the output XML. If some of the source data is in XML, then Amara would help further by making that XML a cinch to parse and process. I would use XSLT for the second arrow, whether on the server or, when it is feasible, through the browser.

The summary is that XSLT is not suitable for all uses that result in XML output. In particular it is not generally suitable for model logic processing. Therefore, it is useful for the tools you do use for model logic processing to have good XML APIs, and one can borrow the best bits of XSLT for this purpose without seeking to completely replace XSLT. That's all I'm looking to do.

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Another 4Suite sighting

" - A minimal cross-platform “podcatcher”"—Randi Mooney

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts recently[...]. The standard podcast reciever is iPodder, a very feature rich program that is just too bloated for my needs: I want a cross platform downloader that can be scheduled from UNIX cron and works from the command line.

I went hunting for an alternative client[...]. Of course, what I really wanted was a Python based podcast reciever.

So I created - a pure Python Podcast reciever. It depends on the excellent 4suite XML processing library to do all the hard XML processing[...].

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Python/XML community: Amara, lxml and Picket

Amara XML Toolkit 1.0b3
lxml 0.7
Picket 0.4

Amara XML Toolkit 1.0b3 "is a collection of Python tools for XML processing—not just tools that happen to be written in Python, but tools built from the ground up to use Python idioms and take advantage of the many advantages of Python. Amara builds on 4Suite [], but whereas 4Suite focuses more on literal implementation of XML standards in Python, Amara focuses on Pythonic idiom." In this release:

  • Add xmlsetattribute method to elements, in order to allow adding attributes with namespaces or with illegal Python names
  • Update manual source for markdown, and extensive improvements to the manual (with much help from Jamie Norrish)
  • Add xml_doc facility for nodes
  • Fix support for output parameters in xml()
  • Add support for rules to pushbind
  • Improve XSLT support for bindery objects (see demo/bindery/
  • Bug fixes

lxml 0.7 is an alternative, more Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt XML processing libraries. Martijn Faassen says "lxml 0.7 is a release with quite a few new features and bug fixes, including XPath expression parameters, XInclude support, XMLSchema validation support, more namespace prefix support, better encoding support, and more."

Sylvain Hellegouarch updated Picket, a simple CherryPy filter for processing XSLT as a template language. It uses 4Suite to do the job. This update is mostly in order to support CherryPy development snapshots that are soon to become CherryPy 2.1. A CherryPy "filter is an object that has a chance to work on a request as it goes through the usual CherryPy processing chain."

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Some DCMI clarification on dc:type vocbularies

In an earlier entry I discussed the strange hotch-potch that's the set of recommended values for dc:type.

I did find a resource with some insight, straight from the Dublin Core (it seems). The question is:

we classify text documents with a descriptive term from a controlled vocabulary -- 'News', 'Press Releases', 'Situation Reports', etc. Is this a DCM element set 'Description', a 'Format', a 'Type' or, if not any of these, then what? If it is a 'Type', what is the appropriate sub-element? We could use Type -> Text, but that doesn't refer to a descriptor used for categorization of data, which is our purpose for using such terms in the first place.

This to me is clearly the province of dc:type, and the question is how one reconciles a value such as "Press Release" with the approach DCMI has taken with their recommended values. The DCMI reply (drafted by Pete Johnston):

The examples you cite for your "descriptor used for categorization of data" look to me like examples of values for dc:type. They describe (I think! ) "the nature or genre of the content of the resource". DCMI does provide a simple, high level "DCMI Type Vocabulary" (which, as you note, includes the term "Text" ), but you are not limited to using that Type Vocabulary and can use your own "local" vocabulary to provide values for dc:type. Having said that, you need to bear in mind what applications will be consuming your metadata and whether those applications are programmed to interpret your values as you expect. Especially if you are sharing your metadata with applications that may not have "built-in knowledge" of your "local" Type Vocabulary, it is considered good practice to include a term from the DCMI Type Vocabulary where possible. All DC metadata elements are repeatable (unless in the context of your application some additional constraints have been specified ), so you could include two occurrences of dc:type in each metadata description: dc:type = "Text" dc:type = "Press Release"

Pete goes on to explain the concept of DCMI element qualification (I do suggest you be familiar with this concept if you're using DCMI), but that doesn't seem to me to be at the heart of my issue. I'm just surprised that DCMI doesn't have such a sample vocabulary available.

Anyway, in my work at Sun, we're probably going to have to roll our own. One source of fodder I found are in LOM (see my article). The values are:

Exercise, Simulation, Questionnaire, Diagram, Figure, Graph, Index, Slide, Table, Narrative Text, Exam, Experiment, ProblemStatement, SelfAssesment

Too pedagogically oriented for our use, but some fodder nevertheless. Another source I found is PRISM (see my article). It's table #16 in the PRISM 1.2 spec. And here is how the PRISM spec introduces dc:type (from section 5.2.15):

Definition: The style of presentation of the resource's content, such as image vs. sidebar.
Comment: The `type' of a resource can be many different things. In PRISM descriptions, the dc:type element takes values that indicate the style of presentation of the content, such as "Map", "Table", or "Chart". This is in contrast to prism:category, which represents the genre, or stereotypical intellectual content type, of the resource. For example, the genre `electionResults' can be presented in a map, a table, or a chart. Recommended practice for PRISM implementations is to use a value from Table 16: Controlled Vocabulary of Presentation Styles, expressed as a URI reference. Implementations MUST also be able to handle text values, but interoperation with text values cannot be guaranteed. To describe the physical size or digital file format of the resource, use the dc:format element.
Example: The two examples below show how prism:type, prism:category, and dc:format all describe different aspects of a resource. For brevity, the examples below use relative URI references. Assume that they are within the scope of a base URI declaration: xml:base=""

<dc:type rdf:resource="resourcetype.xml#article"/>
<prism:category rdf:resource="category.xml#column"/>
<dc:type rdf:resource="resourcetype.xml#birdsEye"/>
<prism:category rdf:resource="category.xml#photo"/>

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

Sane template-like output for Amara

In an earlier entry I showed some Amara equivalents for XSLT 2 and XQuery examples. I think the main disadvantage of Amara in these cases was the somewhat clumsy XML output generation syntax. This is not an easy problem to fix. XSLT and XQuery basically work XML syntax directly into the language, to make output specification very seamless. This makes sense as long as they stick to the task of being very determinate black boxes taking one body of XML data and working it into another. But often you turn to a language like Python for XML processing because you want to blow the lid off the determinate black boxes a bit: you want to take up all the power of general-purpose computing.

With this power comes the need to streamline and modularize, and the usual first principle for such streamlining is the principle of separating the model from presentation. This is a much easier principle to state than to observe in real-life processing scenarios. We love template languages for XML and HTML generation because they are so convenient in solving real problems in the here and now. We look askance at them, however, because we know that they come with a tendency to mix model and presentation, and that we might regret the solution once it comes time to maintain it when (as inevitable) model processing requirements change or presentation requirements change.

Well, that was a longer preamble than I'd originally had in mind, but it's all boils down to my basic problem: how do I make Amara's output mechanism more readable without falling into the many pitfalls of template systems?

Here is one of the XSLT 2 examples:

<xsl:for-each select="doc('auction.xml')/site/people/person">
  <xsl:variable name="p" select="."/>
  <xsl:variable name="a" as="element(item)*">
    <xsl:for-each select="doc('auction.xml')/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction">
      <xsl:variable name="t" select="."/>
      <xsl:variable name="n" 
                               [$t/itemref/@item = @id]"/>
      <xsl:if test="$p/@id = $t/buyer/person">
        <item><xsl:copy-of select="$n/name"/></item>
  <person name="{$p/name}">
    <xsl:copy-of select="$a"/>

In Amara 1.0b3 it goes something like:

def closed_auction_items_by_name():
    doc = binderytools.bind_file('auction.xml')
    newdoc = binderytools.create_document()
    #Iterate over each person
    for person in doc.xml_xpath(u'/site/people/person'):
        #Prepare the wrapper element for each person
        person_elem = newdoc.xml_element(
            attributes={u'name': unicode(}
        #Join to compute all the items this person bought in Europe
        items = [ unicode(
          for closed in doc.xml_xpath (u'/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction')
          for item in doc.xml_xpath(u'/site/regions/europe/item')
          if ( == closed.itemref.item
              and == closed.buyer.person)
        #XML chunk with results of join
        for item in items:
                newdoc.xml_element(u'item', content=item)
    #All done.  Print out the resulting document
    print newdoc.xml()

The following snippet is a good example:

person_elem = newdoc.xml_element(
            attributes={u'name': unicode(}

If I could turn all this into:

newdoc.xml_append_template("<person name='{}'/>")

This would certainly be a huge win for readability. The curly brackets are borrowed from XSLT attribute value templates (AVTs), except that their contents are a Python expression rather than an XPath. The person element created is empty for now, but it becomes just part of the data binding and you can access it using the expected newdoc.person or

One important note: this is very different from `"<person name='% s'/>"%(`. What I have in mind is a structured template that must be well-formed (it can have multiple root elements). The replacement occurs within the perfectly well-formed XML structure of the template. As with XSLT AVTs you can represent a literal curly bracket as {{ or }}.

The other output generation part in the example:

for item in items:
                newdoc.xml_element(u'item', content=item)

Would become

for item in items:

This time we have the template substitution going on in the content rather than an attribute. Again I would want to restrict this entire idea to a very clean and layered template with proper XML semantics. There would be no tricks such as "<{element_name}>spam</{element_name}>". If you wanted that sort of thing you could use the existing API such as xml_element(element_name), or even use Python string operations directly.

The complete example using such a templating system would be:

def closed_auction_items_by_name():
    doc = binderytools.bind_file('auction.xml')
    newdoc = binderytools.create_document()
    #Iterate over each person
    for person in doc.xml_xpath(u'/site/people/person'):
        #Prepare the wrapper element for each person
        newdoc.xml_append_template("<person name='{}'/>")
        #Join to compute all the items this person bought in Europe
        items = [ unicode(
          for closed in doc.xml_xpath (u'/site/closed_auctions/closed_auction')
          for item in doc.xml_xpath(u'/site/regions/europe/item')
          if ( == closed.itemref.item
              and == closed.buyer.person)
        #XML chunk with results of join
        for item in items:
    #All done.  Print out the resulting document
    print newdoc.xml()

I think that this example is indeed more readable than the XSLT version.

One tempting thing about this idea is that all the building blocks are there. 4Suite already gives me the ability to parse and process this template very easily, and I could implement this logic without much trouble. But I also think that it deserves some serious thought (and, I hope, feedback from users). There's no hurry: I don't plan to add this capability in the Amara 1.0 cycle. I need to get Amara 1.0 out, and I'm expecting that 1.0b3 is the last stop before a release candidate.

So, things to ponder.

Security. Any time you support such arbitrary-code-in-template features the tainted string worry comes up: what happens if one is not careful with the expression that is used within a template? I think that this issue is not really Amara's responsibility. The developer using Amara should no more pass in untrusted Python expressions to a template than they would to an exec statement. They should be aware that Amara templates will execute arbitrary Python expressions, if they're passed in, and they should apply the usual precautions against tainting.

String or Unicode? Should the templates be specified as strings or Unicode? They are themselves well-formed XML, which makes me think they should be strings (XML is really defined in terms of encoded serialization, and the Unicode backbone is just an abstraction imposed on the actual encoded byte stream). But is this confusing to users? I've always preached that XML APIs should use Unicode, and my products reflect that, and for a user that doesn't understand the nuances, this could seem like a confusing exception. Then again, we already have this exception for 4Suite and Amara APIs that parse XML from strings. My leaning would be to have the template expressed as a string, but to have the results of expressions within templates coerced to Unicode. This is the right thing to do, and that's the strongest argument.

separation of model and presentation. The age-old question with such templates is whether they cause tangles that complicate maintenance. I think one can often make an empirical check for such problems by imagining what happens in a scenario where the data model operations need to change, and another scenario where the presentation needs to change.

As an example of a model change, imagine that the source for the item info was moved from an XML document to a database. I wouldn't need to change any of the templates as long as I could get the same values to pass in, and I think it's reasonable to assume I could do this. Basically, since my templates simply refer to host variables whose computation is nicely decoupled from the template code, the system passes the first test.

As an example of a presentation change, imagine that I now want to generate XHTML directly, rather than this <person><item>... business. I think the system passes this test as well. The templates themselves would have to change, but this change would be isolated from the computation of the host variables used by the templates. Some people might argue that I'm grading these tests too leniently, and that it's already problematic that the computation and presentation occurs so close together, in the same function in the same code file. I'm open to being convinced this is the case, but I'd want to hear of practical maintenance scenarios where this would be a definite problem.

So what do you think?

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia

We need more solid guidelines for i18n in OSS projects

Every time I'm about to tackle i18n in some project, I find myself filled with a bit of trepidation. I actually know more than the average developer on the topic, but it's a hard topic, and there is quite the mystery around it.

One of the reasons for this mystery is that there are really few good resources to guide FOSS developers through the process of internationalizing their apps. Gettext is the most common means for i18n and l10n in FOSS apps. The master resource for this is the GNU gettext manual, but that's a lot to bite off. Poking around on Google, I found a useful gettext overview for PHP folks, the Ruby on Rails folks have a nice chapter on the it and there are a few other general intros (1, 2, 3). Luis Miguel Morillas pointed out some for GNOME, KDE and wxPython (1, 2).

Python has the usual set of gettext-based facilities, which is great, but they are woefully documented. In the library reference's section on gettext you get a purported overview and a bunch of scattered notes on the API, but nothing that really coherently leads the developer through the concepts and process of i18n, as the PHP and Ruby folks seem to have. It doesn't even seem as if buying a book helps much. The books I most often recommend as Python intros don't seem to touch the subject, and the reference books seem to go not much deeper than the Python docs. Even David Mertz's useful Text Processing in Python doesn't cover i18n (this surprised me).

My recent foray into i18n actually straddled Python and XML worlds. For XMLers, there are a few handy resources:

XLIFF is of particular interest, but I decided not to use it for i18n in 4Suite/XSLT because I wanted to base my work on the Python facilities, which are well tested and based on the de facto standard gettext.

Anyway, am I missing something? Are there all sorts of great resources out there that would slide Python developers right into the i18n groove?

[Uche Ogbuji]

via Copia