"XML in Firefox 1.5" pubbed

"XML in Firefox 1.5"

The open source Firefox Web browser continues to grow in popularity. Users like the security and convenience features it offers. Developers like the Firefox attention to standards compliance, inherited from its Mozilla roots. The most recent version, Firefox 1.5, comes with many features for XML developers, including XML parsing, XHTML, CSS, XSLT, SVG, XML Events in JavaScript™, and XForms. Additional third-party extensions provide even more XML support. In this article, Uche Ogbuji provides an overview of XML features in Firefox 1.5.

I wrote this article before the recent Firefox 1.5beta1 release, but I don't think that release has led any of the points in the piece to be outdated.

Thanks to Kurt Cagle, for his technical review of the article.

[Uche Ogbuji]

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